
It was a rather eventful weekend. D and I went car shopping on Saturday and finally thought we'd found a car. The dealership even gave us a courtesy car to get around in until yesterday when we were scheduled to go back to the sign all the paperwork. Except that when we arrived, we found out that we couldn't get into the car that we had originally selected. It's a big convoluded story about depreciation and total value of the vehicle. After looking around for nearly an hour, we had almost decided to walk away when I spotted this little one at the other end of the lot. It was a little over our price range but the sales manager was determined to have us walk away with a car and when he came back saying he'd meet the price of our first choice. So we took her out for a test drive, loved her and signed all the paperwork. By the time we left the dealership at 9:30 last night, we were the proud new parents of a 2005 Ford Focus ZX4. It's a fun, sporty car, decent gas consumption and, above all else, ours. Here's a pic:

That's the one. Same colour and everything. We're really happy. This now means that we can actually go away on little weekend trips, D can drive to work (it'll actually be cheaper for him than taking transit because he commutes agains traffic) and it completely fits into our budget. I'm so thrilled I can't begin to tell you. The amazing part is that it's our first "major" purhcase together. Sure, we've bought other things like a TV and a bed but nothing like this.

Other than the car excitement, it was a pretty quiet weekend. We car shopped on Saturday, went to see Snakes on a Plane and on Sunday we did very little except shop for groceries. Exciting eh?

Grandma comes back from Portugal on Thursday. I'm sooooooooooo excited to see her. I've missed her somethin' fierce (bonus point if you know where that's stolen from). Saturday afternoon is the arrival of the mother in law for the annual visit. This year, there's so much stuff going on that I'm actually not dreading having her here. It'll only be for a week and most of the time I'll be working or out and about so I'll only have to buckle down for the weekends. Oh well, it's only once a year.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I know, it's only Tuesday but the week should fly!


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