
Oh jeez. I'm not sure what I was thinking yesterday. Today is just dragging along with no sight of the finish line. I'm just not sure I can make it through the next two days without some time off. I may ask to leave early on Friday. Not sure I can make it out through today never mind until then.

Nothing much going on in my little part of the world. I didn't get home until rather late last night and then I did some stuff on the computer until an ungodly and unmentionable hour. I had this idea this morning that I'd get home after work tonight, make dinner and go right to bed but now, I have all these ideas of things I want to do. We'll see how things go once I get home tonight.

A girlfriend of mine gave me a catalogue the other day saying "I just KNOW you'll love this". Well, she was right on. I've been drooling over the catalogue and the site but I still haven't decided on what to buy. I love SOOOO much of the stuff I'm just not sure what I should get first! I thought this might be of interest to a few folks. It's called The Pyramid Collection. Consider yourself warned.

Now I'm off to find something to do for the next 2 1/2 hours that are left in my day. Yuck.


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