Another Bloody Day

Days left to my birthday: 15

I can't believe how quickly the month is going. It seems like just yesterday was the 1st of the month and we're nearly halfway throu it! It's been a quiet day so far. The MIL left this morning at 5AM. D got up to see her off. I had been planning on getting up but when the time came, I just couldn't move. I stayed in bed, curled up in the sheets while the poor hubby got up to see mom off. He came back to bed sometime just after 5AM but tossed and turned until the alarm went off for work. He complained that he didn't get any sleep between 5 and 7 and when we left he looked beyond tired. Poor guy. I hope the day goes quickly for him. The visit was better than usual this year. The few times we all went out were very pleasant and MIL appears to be in a better place this year than she was last year (she bitched a lot last year). We may actually go out there for a few days next year. I wouldn't mind getting away for a few days...that's for sure.

I'm still having problems commenting on some of the pages. This is soooooooo frustrating! I just want to pull my hair out. The worst bit is that some of the movie folks I read regularly probably think I've fallen off the face of the earth! WAHHHHHH! I hope they fixt this bug soon!

I was at the video store over the weekend and picked up a DVD of one of my favourite shows of all trime. When I was growing up in Venezuela and Portugal, sis and I watched a few shows including Tom and Jerry (the original with no talking), Bugs Bunny, He-Man and She-Ra. Those were the only 4 shows that we could watch in both countries but my favourite by far was She-Ra, Princess of Power! I noticed a few months back that He-Man is now out on DVD but I hadn't seen a She-Ra DVD until this weekend when I picked the "fan favourite episodes" in a DVD set with the She-Ra movie. Yes, there was a movie (it was called "The Secret of the Sword"). Now, I liked both She-Ra and He-Man but she was soooooooooooooo much better because she was a girl kicking butt! While boys my age are drooling over Transformers, I go a little bananas for She-Ra. I have yet to watch any of this DVD but I can't wait for the opportunity to revisit this much loved childhood flashback. I hope she still kicks as much ass as I remember.

I'm trying to get myself all prepped for doing audio and live posting from the Vancouver Film Festival. I've scouted out the majority of the local coffee shops around the theatres that have free internet as well as some areas outside where I can set up shop and connect to a wireless network. This will be my first year of live reporting and I'm *really* looking forward to it. The only thing now is that I'm also trying to get the video in there but this is turning into a bit of a problem because I don't actually have a video camera and I'm not sure I can pull it off with the webcam but I'm sure gonna try!

I actually have some work to do this morning so I'd better bugger off. Hope everyone is having a good hump day!


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