Quiet Monday

I don't know what the hell I was thinking but late last week (I think it was Friday afternoon) I changed over to Blogger Beta and I tell you, it was the worse thing I ever did. Everything seems to be working well but I'm unable to comments on anyone's blog which only has blogger comments enabled because the beta version hans't been integrated into the regular Blogger accounts and, therefore, I'm not a "Blogger" member and can't comments. If you're site is listed on the sidebar, be assured that I'm still coming by daily, I just may not be able to leave you any feedback! ARGH!

The weekend was great. Sis and I went to see the Brian Jonestown Massacre on Saturday night. They were bloody amazing! They actually managed to stay on stage without fights or collapse for over 2 hours and though they took an insanely long time between songs, they were awesome. Everyone was impressed, especially considering that last year's show only lasted 20 minutes before it collapsed into complete chaos. I drank more than a little too much and had a bit of a headache on Sunday morning but it was a generally good evening. Sis didn't fare so well. She promised she wasn't going to drink too much but when all was said and done, she had much more to drink than I did and you could tell. As we left the club, she stuck a nearly full opened bottle of beer (which she had just started drinking) in her bag. As is custom in our outings, something had to go wrong. The entire bottle spilled inside her bag. She had her camera, phone and mp3 player in there. On the cab ride home, she was weepy and sad and I tried to reashure her that the stuff might work if she just let it dry. Turns out I was kind of right. Though her phone and mp3 player are officially dead, the camera appears to be in excellent working condition. Poor girl. This sort of stuff always happens to her. I just wish she would have listened to me when I asked her to leave the beer behind...

I picked up a really great t-shirt at Walmart (of all places!) yesterday. It says: "Duct tape is like the force, it has a dark side and a light side and it keeps the universe together". I loved it so much I had to get it. I can't wait for opportunity to wear the darn thing.

I'm off to see Hollywoodland tonight with a couple of the girls from the movie group. Should be a good show. The VIFF has posted a full listing of movies on their site so I'm now off to sear the endless pages for possible movies.


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