Friday, Friday, Friday! (to the Mammas and the Pappa's tune of "Monday, Monday, Monday"

Days left to my birthday: 20

It has been a rather uneventful week. Work has been rather quiet and life at home with the MIL this week has been pretty good, especially considering that I haven't really been home in the evenings and we only talk in small 20-30 minute spurts at a time. THIS is the type of visit I LIKE!

I did go out and watch The Illusionist with a girlfriend on Wednesday. Yes, again. This is my favourite movie of the year so far. Even after the second viewing and knowing what was coming, I still loved it. I can't wait to get my little hands on the soundtrack.

The weekend is going to be an interesting affair. Tonight I'm heading to my weekly sci-fi dinner and we're celebrating Star Trek's 40th anniversary by watching a couple of award winning episodes of the original series. Saturday is still up in the air. I have a bunch of things I need to do (like make a couple of music CD's), movie group outing and a concert with little sis but I'm not sure what D and the mom are up to. They're talking about going down to the States but nothing is for sure yet. As for Sunday…who knows? I guess we'll wait and see. This is one of the first weekends in a while where I don't have any solid plans for both days. I'm one of these people that knows where I'm going to be and when - I like to know my schedule ahead of time. For the most part. Occasionally I like to let things fall how they may.

And one more funny thing before this week's KFF. I saw this news story yesterday about a single mother who's on strike. Yes, you heard right. She's fed up with her kids not pulling their weight around the house so rather than take some action, she's set up a tent in the front yard with a big sign "Mom on Strike". I have problems with this story on so many levels I'm not even sure where to begin. Needless to say, this woman has some serious issues if she can't control her 3 kids, all of which are under the age of 12. Lady, if you can't handle them now…what the HELL are you going to do when they're all teens? You can read about the entire debacle here.

Oh hell, one more thing! I was reading one of the local ragmags this morning and I found the coolest little thing I've heard about in a while. It's called Tiki Bar TV. It's a locally made, low budget TV show that is distributed for free. I was snooping around the site this morning and it looks HILARIOUS. My understanding is that this is like a Dr. Phil except it's a bit of a joke because the guy who's the doctor isn't really a doctor and he prescribes his advise over drinks at the Tiki Bar. HAHAHAHAHAH You can check it out for yourself at

Ok. And now on to what you're all here for, this weeks KFF.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


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