Friday! Friday! Friday! (and KFF of course!)

Days left to my birthday: 27

Yes, the countdown to the next big number has started. I figured I'd let you all know that yes, I'm getting bloody old. God dammit! I still haven't met him. YEAH HIM!!!! You know who I'm talking about! Maybe between now and 40 I'll become a HUGE movie star and meet him. Sigh.

Grandama came home yesterday. Went over to see her. She looks fantastic. She always looks so much more relaxed when she comes back. It's like all she does is sleep there (which is FAR) from the truth. It's nice having her back. Really nice.

I'm not sure how else I'm going to fill my day today. I'm bored out of my mind. I'm going to have to settle for some filing. God I hate filing.

The MIL comes in tomorrow. Sunday is off to the horse races and the PNE. Those are the big plans for the weekend. Exciting eh? The good thing is that D and I are planning a little outing to the States for next week. Probably Sunday. That would be awesome. It's been years since I last went accross to Belingham. Can't wait to do some shopping! I need new shoes. Nice shoes. Just not shoes that cost $140.

That's enough ranting. Here's this week's installment of KFF:


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