
It's been a great week for attracting new readers (hi folks...nice to have you on board the Marina boat) but that's been the only good thing this week. I've been feeling kinda gross all week and this morning I woke up feeling disgusting. My nose is plugged up and my head feels like the drain backed up into it. I'm having a hard time concentrating, I have a slow and quiet continuous pounding in my upper neck and I feel groggy (like I've had 10 too many beers). I was going to head home after work but I'm just not sure I'm up to going home and moping around so I'm still planning on attending the Friday geekout but we'll see. Anything could happen between now and 6PM.

The only other truly great joy I had today was picking the picture for the KFF (Keanu Friday Find for the new ones of the bunch). I've been saving this picture for either my birthday or a big holiday but today has been such a crappy day I needed something to cheer me up so, here we go. I don't usually post them this big but hey, it's my blog and I wanna see it BIG. may want to be sitting for this one...

I hope everyone manages to have a great weekend. I'm planning to load myself up with drugs on Sunday if I'm still not feeling well. As for tomorrow...I must remain alert. I have a hot date with some girl friends, Pink Floyd, lasers and (if all goes well) some of BC's best MJ.


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