
It was one of those not so great weekends. Saturday was just a BAD day. D and I went out for lunch and then a day of shopping. I was waiting outside for him to pay for lunch when he pokes his head out the door and tells me that his bank card isn't working. I go in, try to use mine and it doesn't work either. He walks over to the bank only to discover that the Credit Union interact system is down. So much for shopping. We did go to the mall for a couple of hours and walked around but it was saddly uneventful. He then dropped me off at the Skytrain so that I could head downtown to meet a few of the movie group folk for The Black Dhalia. I was already running late but I got to the theatre right at 7. I'm waiting in line to buy my ticket (because my bank card doesn't work) and when I finally get up to the front (10 minutes later) I notice that the movie isn't playing. I'm at the wrong theatre. A hussled my ass to the right theatre but was really late so I watched something else. After that, I met the girls for the laser show. Now, I'll be the first to say I'm not much of a drug user - never have been. I can drink nearly anyone under the table but I'm a light weight when it comes to the drugs. Maybe I should say featherweight because two puffs and I was feeling the effects. Yeah, I'm a cheap druggie. So sue me. Make fun all you'd like but I had a great time.

Sunday I had a hard time getting out of bed and when I finally rolled onto the couch, I refused to move. D did manage to get me out for a couple of hours to do some grocery shopping and that was about it. I'm still feeling a bit overly tired today but better than Friday. I'm off to have a good $11 nap tonight thanks to de Palma. Hopefully it won't be all that bad but all suggestions indicate that it IS that bad.

Last week I saw something which cracked me up. It's a list of annoying personalities. See the list for yourself:

I loved it so much, I decided to let the readers poll. Who's the ONE person that makes you ill????? If they're not on the list below, let me know in the comments. I'm curious.


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