And So It Begins

Autum in Vancouver wouldn't be complete without rain. Unlike some years when we get a few weeks of dry yet cooler weather, this year the skies decided to open up and let it all out. The rain has been around for a few days now and, honestly, I'm ready for it to stop. You HEAR ME RAIN????? GO AWAY! It's not that I hate the rain because I actually find it quite refreshing. What bothers me is trying to lug all my shit around from home to work and back while trying to stay dry. I have yet to find the *perfect* bag that will allow for this. I WILL find it. I'm going to start looking this weekend.

The other thing I hate about the rain is that it always gives me a feeling of melancholy. I'm not necessarily depressed or unhappy but the drearyness and the wet make me kind of sad. But on a good note, I've been feeling pretty good lately. The little illness that was bothering me last week and over the weekend appears to be subsiding which is making me a very, very happy girl. My major concern now is trying to catch up on some reading for the Book Discussion next weekend.

So the results are in for the "Celebrity that makes you puke up a little in your mouth every time you see them." Paris Hilton won that challenge with a landslide 60%. The best comment about the whole thing was "Paris Hilton was redeemed in my eyes when South Park did a whole episode dedicated to the STUPID LITTLE CRACK WHORE." Thanks to Colleen Prime for that tidbit. It had me rolling on the floor.

I think today is going to be really quiet - YEY! - more time to catch up on a few things like writing a review for The Last Kiss which was really, really good (quite the writer eh?).

To finish off today, I'd like to share this picture with you:

This is a picture of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan. This was taken last week shortly after the birth of their first male grandchild. There are actually a couple of great tidbits of history about this family. To read more, you can check out Wikipedia. To learn WHY this grandchild is such a big deal, read this. The reason I posted the picture is because they're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable! Seriously! Don't they look like two cute little dolls?


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