So after I posted on Friday all hell broke loose at the office and I ended up leaving with the biggest migrane I've had in months. I'm not sure if I jinksed myself or if that was in the cards from the beginning. Even with the headache, I managed to have a good Friday night and a good weekend. I didn't manage to get out of the house on Sunday though. I was feeling the pits, it was cold as fright, we had no electricity for most of the morning and Dan disappeared off to K's first thing in the morning and didn't come home until nearly 5. I did get lots of sleep and general good rest which was very, very nice.

In all my excitement on Friday I managed to forget to post a movie suggestion so today you get two. The first is the 1973 classic The Exorcist starring the horror movie goddess Linda Blair. A brilliantly scary film of satanic posession, Linda's head turns are just as scary today as they were in 1974.

My second suggestion is the brilliant Black Christmas. Generally considered the first slasher film and starring the ever amazing and forever infamous Olivia Hussey, this is certainly one of the best horror flicks; ever. Make sure you give it a viewing before the remake (which will either be a sell out or an over the top gore fest - depending on the rating they're looking for) which is scheduled to hit theatres on, none other than, December 25, 2006.

That's it for now. I have a stack of mail to get through before heading for lunch. Hope everyone's having a great Monday!


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