So I finally managed to put my scribbled notes and my stunned little brain into action. It could also have something to do with the fact that I had an opportunity to discuss this with a fellow movie fan last night. I've posted my review for Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain. I think I managed to convey my feelings about it. Now I'm nearly caught up - I just have a couple of documentaries and rentals, none of which are really time sensitive, to post and then I'll be back on track.

I still don't have any information on the human evolution study I mentioned yesterday. Still nothing from the radio folks. I hope I don't end up having to call them but I really want to read more about this! If someone else out there knows about this mysterious 'study' please let me know!

That's been all my excitement so far. I better jet for now, gotta do some work but I may be back later! But, just in case...

Happy Hump Day people!


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