A Break from the Mundane

I was listening to the radio on the way to work this morning and the guys at the local radio station ran a story about a recent study about the future development of the human species. I thought that was a really interesting study so I've been looking for it this morning but have yet to find any details. I've emailed the show to get a link to the news story but in the meantime – while trying to find info on it – I came across this amazing site with more information on the future of human evolution. Not only that but they cover everything from AI to xHuman, This is an amazing wealth of information if you're into this stuff. I can't wait to dig a bit deeper through the site. Once I get the info from the radio station, I'll post that too.

Last night, I took my myself to the local college to participate in a new series being put on by Cinema Politica. We saw "Darwin's Nightmare" which is a 2005 documentary about the Nile Perch, a fish which was introduced to Lake Victoria as an 'experiment' in the 1960's and which has, essentially, taken over every part of the area and created a multinational fisheries industry with devastating implications on the local population. I'm extremely surprised that this didn't win the Oscar for best documentary last year – I guess penguins have more appeal.

I'll leave you with that. I'll try to have something fun for tomorrow.


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