The weather has been particularly nice the last couple of weeks but on Saturday night, it took a turn for the worse. It's been cold and rainy for the last few days and it's not suposed to go away for a while. It's supposed to be a little better tomorrow but then back to rain for Wednesday. Winter has officially started here.

It was a nice weekend full of fun and surprises. Sister's B-Day was fun and filling on Sunday but the real highlight for me was D's surprise on Saturday morning. He gave me a new laptop. I've been planning for months to get one and Saturday, he pulled this one out on me. Turns out working at Staples does have some advantages. When he bought it for $200 it was a lemon (woulnd't even turn on) but with his expertise, and 3 weeks of extra work, he managed to get it up and running. It's a slim and sleek 14" widescreen Toshiba. LOVE IT! You should have seen me. I got all weepy and everything. Kinda pathetic.

After that excitmenet Saturday morning, the rest of the weekend paled in comparison but it was fun. I actually have a question for you guys. D and I went to the movies with K and the kids on Sunday. We saw the 3PM showing of "Over the Hedge". The theatre was full of little bobbing heads. It was ADORABLE. However, I noticed a guy get up at one point and come back a few minutes later. He was sitting in front of us and not looking too happy. I heard him whisper to his lady friend that the theatre wouldn't give them their money back now. Eventually they got up and left. I assume that he wanted his money back because the theatre was loud. Hence my question: Is it fair to assume that if you're watching a kids movie in the middle of the day, the theatre will be much louder than if you, lets say, see the same movie at a 7PM showing? I think this is a fair assumption but the morons in front of me obvisously didn't take this into consideration. What do you think?


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