I feel like I've accomplished nothing over the last two weeks. Other than work, sleep and the film festival, I haven't talked to anyone, haven't gone out with friends and have, pretty much, turned into the girl I was before D ever came along. It was a nice break from "reality" but not something I want to fall into for good.

The film festival came to a close for me yesterday, although the last film isn't until later today. I saw some good films, a couple of not so great ones but it all finished on a high note. I finished off my festival experience with "The Fountain". I usually try not to watch movies that I know will have big releases but I couldn't wait for this one. That movie is like a religious experience. Seriously. Reading some of the reviews so far it appears that more than one person 'didn't get it' and, as usual, I'm not sure how that's possible. I remember in my first year "Intro to Philosophy" class the prof said that "Everything in the world tastes more or less like chicken". I got it. In my mind, this statement makes complete sense but more than half the class were stumped by this comment and even after a year of discussion, some still didn't get it. Not to say that I consider myself smarter or anything but my mind seems to decipher and process abstract ideas which is something I'm fortunate to have. Problem now is that I have 5 other reviews in front of this one which means lots of work this weekend. I'll keep you posted as the various reviews go up.

Things are back to normal now. I'm heading to BIFF tonight which will be nice since I haven't seen the 'crew' in a couple of weeks and I swear I'm going through some sort of withdrawal. Saturday I'm meeting the girls for brunch and a few movies and Sunday is reserved for little sis who's celebrating a big 25 this year. She loves Dairy Queen ice cream cakes and every year, we get a little one for her. This year, we're getting the big mother. It's a perfect excuse for eating ice cream.

And now, for what everyone has been waiting for, this week's KFF.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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