Another Week

Though it's a short week, it's still shaping up to be a busy one. It just started and Saturday is already double booked. How the hell does that happen?

The weekend was really nice. D and I went off to Sechelt to have dinner with his family on Saturday. We usually do Christmas dinner with his family but his uncle, who usually does the dinners, is off on a cruise this Christmas so no family gathering. Instead, we went out to see his aunt and the rest of the family on Saturday. We left really early (read 6AM) and still didn't get over to the other side until nearly 5. The ferry's were crazy (as is to be expected). We came back Sunday morning, had dinner with my family and crashed for the reast of the evening. We managed to get out of the house on Monday to do some shopping but that was the extent of the outings. I will say I had some fantastic sleeps over the weekend and Monday morning I was SORE from sleeping so much. It was nice. I've been nominated to prepare Christmas dinner for the family. It'll be my first turkey, EVER and I'm starting to freak out (even though it's 2 months away). If anyone has suggestions, I'm taking notes!

I was home last night (unheard of on a Monday) so I managed to catch a couple of the new TV shows which people have been raving about. Since it's probably one of the few times I'll ever talk about TV, I'll also mention a few other things that caught my eye."Entourage" is one that's been on HBO for a while but which I saw yesterday for the first time. It's funny and pretty creative but not something I could see myself watching regularly. "Heroes" is one of the new shows that's getting a lot of buzz. I only watching bits and pieces but right off the bat I was impressed by the characters and the ingenuity. From the bit I saw I wasn't sold on it but it does seem to be pretty good. I also caught an episode of "Dexter" which is a Showtime original show starring Michael C. Hall of "Six Feet Under" fame. It's about a guy who's a CSI by day and a serial killer by night - killing 'bad' people. I only caught the last half of the show and it looked kind of cool except I'm not really digging the voiceovers. Because it's Hall and I *LOVED* "Six Feet Under", I'm going to give it another shot but I'm not completely sold on it either. The one show that DID NOT disappoint was the season opener of Battlestar Galactica. WOW. Well worth the wait. It also looks like they've kicked it off on a good note. There was a large number of skeptics out there who didn't think the show could be salvaged from it's pathetic showing in the second half of season 2. I was a bit worried but not any more! It was fantastic. I can't wait until next week!

That's enough blabering for now. I actually have some work to do today so off I go!


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