I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that it's Friday today. And not just any Friday either! It's THE Friday of (Canadian) Thanksgiving weekend! Lots planned for the weekend including a few movies, dinner with the family, a trip to V-Con (Vancouver's Sci-Fi/Fantasy Conference) and more movies. Hopefully I can also squeeze some much needed extra sleep in there.

I remembered today that my bookcrossing site is now expired. I've registered a new domain name so now I just have to set up the actual site. I think I'm going to delve into Drupal to set this one up. If it goes well, the movie site will also be making the move. It's exciting and a little scary too.

On a funny note, this week was International Walk to School Week. That's not the funny bit. The funny bit is that the local public transit authority, TransLink, also announced that they were going to support Walk to School week by offering free transit rides for kids. Someone over there totally missed the boat. The BIG idea behind Walk to School Week is to get kids out EXERCISING. TransLink is just encouraging them to 'think outside the car' (according to their press release). Yes, this is noble, but why not schedule it for another week? Why on Walk to School week? The really funny thing is that the moron that came up with this idea is still working there. The even funnier (or scarier) part is that there's a second moron that approved this stupid plan. I should have a regular "Dumbass Move of the Week" section because I come across this stuff way too often. There are A LOT of dumbasses with dumbass ideas running big companies. I'm SURE there's more than enough material.

For this week's KFF, I uncovered a new source of pictures. There are thousands of pictures, many of them of exceptionally high quality. I only looked through the first page and found a bunch that I loved but I particularly like this one:

The picture is pretty big so I've uploaded a thumbnail. To get the full effect, make sure you click! :)

I wish all my Canadian counterparts a happy Thanksgiving and EVERYONE a fantastic weekend!


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