So I wrote this long post this morning about a recent engagement that I went to. About half way through, I decided to cut it in half but by the end of it, I decided to just not post it. But because I spent nearly an hour typing this thing out, if you're interesetd in reading it, you can do so here. It's a simple word document but it's all in there. It has some funny bits but it generally just angered me. If you do decide to read it, let me know your thoughts.

I'm off to see two films tonight. The first is part of VIFF and the second is actually a little get together with a GF. Other than that, it's going to be a pretty quiet day. To boot, I'm leaving at 3 today. It's after 12:30 now which means I have less that 3 hours left here today. I haven't done any work yet. I guess I'd better get to it.


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