The Joys of Another Week

I can't believe we're already at the beginning of October. Where the hell has the last 10 months gone? Yikes!

The film festival has been going well. I've caught some 'interesting' films over the last few days but still nothing that really caught my eye. I also managed to get a couple of nice Q&A's on 'tape' which I've uploaded to the movie site so if you like either Sarah Polley or Watanabe Kazushi, you may want to check it out. Other recent additions are a review for "Walking Alone for Thousands of Miles" and "Jackass Number Two". We are, after all, a non-discriminatory site.

I'm off to more movies tonight but at some point I'm going to have to stop at the electronic's store to pick up my 2 DVD set of Disney's "The Little Mermaid", by far my favourite of all the Disney classics.

I finally received my first CD from the music exchange a few of us have set up. It's a fantastic mellow mix which I'm thoroughly enjoying. Thanks to AmyHCAlum for it. It's fantabulous.

And finally on this day of random information, I give you the beginning of the end for a Vancouver landmark. The Woodward's building was imploded the other day to make room for a new development in the downtown core. This is a picture of the implosion in progress. You can see more pictures of the tear down here.


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