I didn't think I was going to get a chance to post today but I'm taking a minute from my filing to post this week's KFF. It's been a bit crazy around here between work, movies and my b-day. Yesterday I applied for 'publicity' access to a couple of the film studios and I've actually heard back from two of them. I now have access to fancy pictures and press releases for a couple of the 'big' production companies which is super cool. My sister, my sweet, sweet sis, gave me this for my birthday:

I nearly cried when I saw it. Barker has always been one of my favourites and when I first heard about this book, I was disappointed that 1) I couldn't find it anywhere and 2) it was *really* expensive. Thank you sis.
It's fantastic. Mom and dad gave me the most beautiful flowers along with some of my favourite cream and the office folks gave me a massive bouquet of flowers. I'll have to take pictures of them. All my flowers are beautiful.

But that's enough rambling for today. I've posted my first Film Festival review today. Look for more coming over the next two weeks. And now, for today's KFF.
I've decided that there are three reasons why I love Keanu. 1) He's smart. 2) He's sexy (I can't imagine what a pile of skin and meat I'd be if I ever met him...). 3) He looks hot in black. He always looks hot but he's extra yummy in black.


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