It's my birthday today. This year more than any other this feels like just another day. D surprised me yesterday with a digital recorder. I've been looking at these for some time now because I'd like to start doing some more audio type posts but I was having trouble deciding between them all. Two criteria had to be met: 1) digital and PC compatible so that I can download the stuff, edit if necessary and upload and 2) external microphone jack. D picked a good one for me and we tested it last night. I'm looking forward to using it...probably tonight.

The Vancouver International Film Festival kicks off today with a full lineup of films although the "Opening Gala" isn't until tonight. I'm seeing a movie tonight and nearly every day from now until Oct. 13. I'm really looking forward to it and I'll be updating the review site daily with new reviews sometimes more than once a day so make sure you stay tuned.

Thanks to Dawn, I've finally switched over to an RSS feeder. Now I can catch up on everyone's blogs in record time. Seriously, what before took me 1 to 2 hours now takes 30 to 40 minutes. It's fantastic. I suggest you try it for yourself. I'm using Bloglines and love it.

Now on to something totally unrelated but much more interesting. I have a routine in the morning. I get off the skytrain downtown anywhere between 8:30 and 8:40 every morning and I walk down the same street to the office every day. I'm obviously not the only one with a routine because I see most of the same people every day. This week, I started seeing a new guy on the walk. My first impression was "Wow. There goes Fabio." This guy is betweem 45 and 55. Tall, slim build, sandy blond shoulder length hair and a killer tan. That first day he was wearing a white suit. At a quick glance, I couldn't help but smile at myself. How much more over the top could you get? But I've seen him every day this week and damn, the guy is growing on me. Everytime I see him he's a little more handsome. Weird how that works. I'm keeping an eye on his hands because I have a girlfriend that would *love* to know him. I may yet stop him. We'll see if I have the balls. I'll keep you posted on Fabio.

That's all for now I guess. I'm sorry the posting hasn't been regular this week. It's been a bit crazy in the office and I just haven't had time in the evenings to post but I've been reading! :) I'll be back tomorrow with the KFF.


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