
The week didn't start off well but it's ending on a high note. I only hope that this continues into next week. The rain has managed to disappear for a few days and the weekend is looking like a good one. D and I are spending the day together tomorrow and then heading to the movies TOGETHER (trust me, this is a HUGE deal) for, prepare yourselves, Jackass 2. Truth is, I'm actually looking forward to this. If nothing else, it'll be funny to laugh at a bunch of dumb asses doing some really, really stupid stuff. Sunday is Word on the Street, a Canada wide free literary event. The Bookcrossing group always has a bit of a get together and we walk around checking out the sites so I'm looking forward to it.

I say watching a movie together is a huge deal because although we have lots in common, we can never decide on a movie to watch. Last weekend I did get him to sit through Metal: A Headbanger's Journey and he, grumbling the entire time, decided to sit with me thinking he'd watch for 20 mins and then leave but he liked it so much he saw the entire thing with me. But moments like this are few and far between. Usually, he won't even give it a chance. Oh well. I still love him.

I'm picking up my Film Festival tickets tonight. I've very, very excited. I've picked a number of interesting sounding movies. I just hope they're good!

Enjoy this week's KFF. Personally, I didn't realize Keanu was quite this built. Check out his arms! WOW.


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