
Turns out the problems I had on Friday were not internet related but rather computer related. I finally convinced the Dragon Lady that I needed a new PC and she has agreed that it's time. I ordered it today and it will arrive some time late this week or early next. I can't WAIT! It's a nice little machine that will not only handle the workload but comes bundled with a few extras! I seriously can't begin to tell you how exciting this is! It's like Christmas in November!!!

I did very little this weekend. I finally managed to hit the mall and I bought a couple of things for myself and for the house. I fell asleep on the couch and D left me there for the night (he says he tried to wake me up but I don't really buy it). I woke up on Sunday morning and my entire day was spent between the couch watching movies, the kitchen and the laundry room. I got very little done but it was nice to be inside when the trees looking like they were about to tip over outside.

On Friday night Dale over at Group42 helped me get set up with Drupal - a content management program. I'm going to test it out by using it to build my Bookcrossing site. I'm really looking forward to it. The program looks awesome!

That's it for now I guess. I'm at the library killing some time before the movie tonight and since I didn't get anything done at work today (other than work - GO FIGURE!), I'll do some of my blog related stuff now!

Hope everyone had a good weekend and Monday!


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