Friday I'm in Love!

Well guys, it's been a busy week and it's going to end on a wet note. No time to spend talking about the weather today though. WAY too much stuff to cover.

Jumping right in. For those of you who have been working on the M&M picture that I posted about on Tuesday, all of the answers can be found here. Sylvia managed to complete the bloody thing in 15 minutes or something crazy like that. Congrats to everyone who tried it!

Yesterday Reuter's reported that Jackson Pollock's No. 5 (on the left) sold for a record breaking $140 million. I've been a fan of Pollock's since high school, the only one of the modern painters I really like but No. 5 is not my favourite painting. That is reserved for No. 30 (below). If I could find a good poster print of this I would buy it and have it canvas transferred. If anyone has spotted a good one either online or somewhere in a store, please let me know!

And for those that don't know much about Pollock and would like to learn more, there's a are some excellent resources here and here. For you visual folks, there's also a great and accurate 2000 biopic called Pollock directed and starring Ed Harris which is outstanding.

Another news story that caught my eye yesterday, this one is actually quite funny. This ties in to a trend that I started noticing late last year. For decades women have been victim to endless commercials urging us to use products and services to keep ourselves looking young. I've noticed that there are now a bunch of commercials that specifically target men as well (most notable to me is the Just for Men hair coloring commercial). Companies have discovered an untapped market in beauty supplies for men and they're zeroing in for the kill. Women have years of experience ignoring these commercials but the men are fresh faced and naïve. It's a bit sad but quite funny as well. Yesterday did me in. Now men can lift and separate too. There's some underwear out there that does just that 'cause you know, a dropped 'package' can be a real turn-off.

And finally, this week's KFF. I love this picture because it's one of the few were Keanu looks like he's smiling genuinely.

Lots of pictures in the post this week! Keep a look out of more next week! Still looking for questions for the Photo Treasure Hunt Meme, so keep them coming!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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