Wet and Windy Monday

Ugh. I didn’t get anything done this weekend. A meeting on Saturday afternoon left me exhausted in the evening. D and I managed to go out to do grocery shopping and then headed home for the night. Sunday we headed downtown to meet with a friend. That extended from early afternoon since, after the movie, we headed back to our place for dinner. It was nice but the entire weekend just seemed to fly and I'm just as tired today as I was on Friday.

We're being pounded by the Pineapple Express today. TONS of rain expected and howling winds. It's disgusting outside. I brought out "big red" (my water resistant winter jacket) today and the super size golf umbrella and managed to stay relatively dry during my commute until the walk from the Skytrain to the office. I found out that my boots are leaky. I'm not sitting here with wet feet. It's very uncomfortable; so much so I may still take my shoes off. This means that I now have something else to buy. I hate shoe shopping. I'm not sure what to do from now until I find the boots. It's supposed to rain like this until Wednesday! I may have to break down and look for boots during the week!

I also didn't manage to take any pictures for my Photo Hunt Meme. I'll try taking them tonight for tomorrow. Back to work now. I have a stack of papers to type up!


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