Bumping Into the Past

It was a weird sort of weekend. I didn't mention this yesterday because I didn't think much of it but thinking aobut it last night I figured it wasn't really "typical". Sunday D and I went Downtown. I went with my dad to settle some stuff at the library and then I met up with D and K later. We met at Earls for drinks and appys (I was trying to find a picture of the place because it looks amazing. If you're ever in town...definately a place to walk by - warning: food is over priced and service is terrible!). Just as we were leaving I noticed a jacket on the floor and picked it up and tapped the gentleman on the shoulder and let him know and I placed it next to his arm. When I looked at him I nearly said something more. I was looking for a post because I was SURE I'd shared the story at some point but it looks like I haven't so I'll leave it for another day. Essentailly, the guy sitting there was the first guy I ever really went out with and liked. Also, the giver of my first "real" kiss. Wow. It was funny how in the span of 5 seconds I re-lived our entire relationship. It was a bit weird but the part I found most interesting was that I had no heart flutter, no second thoughts. It was re-assuring and kind of cool - if a bit strange.

Things got even a bit stranger when, after the movie, we're stading around waiting for K and I see Ms. Mac looking as fabulous as ever. She stopped and chatted for a few minutes. Boy it was nice to see her. I'll have to make a point of stopping by or giving her a call. I'd love to do coffee.

Then yesterday I was at a movie at the College and I bumped into Elsa, a girl I met during my second semester and we had an Anthropology class together. I wonder who I'm going to see today?

I've taken a few more pictures for the Photo Treasure Hunt meme but I haven't had a chance to upload them yet. Hopefully tonight!


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

It's a mercury retrograde! Often people run into people from their past at this time. The retrograde ends on the 18th.

I think the service at the downtown earls is not that great either. Their ribs are fantastic, though!

November 07, 2006 12:29 p.m.

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