I was going to try and avoid starting my post with more weather talk but I just can't help myself. More snow yesterday which really left a mess at my place (read: snow on top of ice). Things were not too bad this morning on the main roads but getting out of the house was not pretty. I started to freak a little so I caught a ride with my dad early this morning. I got to the office at 8AM. A whole our early. Good thing I have a new addiction...

It's a good thing I wasn't going home right away last night. There was a problem with skytrain that had the system in shutdown for nearly 2 hours. NOT fun. Especially for the folks on board. Yikes! By the time I headed home everything was back to normal and I had no trouble getting home. Even in the snow.

Tonight I'm scooting out of here early because I have to trek my ass over to the college to sort out my registration woes. Hopefully, it'll be quick and simple so I can head home for the first real night of rest since this entire snow debaucle began.

I hope everyone else is having a good week! And if not...stay strong! Only one day to go!


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

Happy December! And yay! The snow is leaving! The snow is leaving!

December 01, 2006 8:39 a.m.

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