One day to go

Is it just me or do short weeks sometimes feel like they're longer than regular weeks? Case in point, I'm more tired today than I've been of late. I haven't really done anything differently but I'm really feeling weary today. It may have something to do with the hurricane-like weather we've been having but I can't say for sure after all, I don't think my moods are connected to the weather…or are they?

I've been on a kick of children's books lately so to get back into the swing of things, I jumped into a 'bodice ripping' mystery. Once in a while, I feel the urge for these cheesy romances but I'm starting to think this one may not have been the best selection since I'm nearly 100 pages in and still no sex. WTF? On a related note, I'm always in search of good 'erotica'. I'm being serious. I have a collection of 'classics' and I've sort of become the go-to girl when friends are looking for this sort of stuff. If you know of any, let me know in or drop me a line. I need to add some new material to the collection.

I have to share a little secret with you but you can't tell anyone ok? I've been following the happenings with the Tom and Katie wedding. I haven't been searching the net for every tidbit of information but I am vaguely interested in the event. I actually quite like both of them as individuals and though the thought of them as a couple is a bit odd I can't say that I don't like it because I really think it's sweet. And honestly, look at this picture and tell me you don't think they're perfect for each other???

They look so darn happy together, in all their pictures together - even the candid ones. I say have a great wedding guys. Best wishes for a happy future together.


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