Online Christmas Shopping – Part 1

I know, I know. I said I'd strangle anyone that mentioned how close we are to Christmas but talking to my Bookcrossing buddies yesterday, someone brought up the fact that they were doing all of their shopping online. In the spirit of this, here are 10 sites I've scoped out with potential gifts for various folks. Maybe some may work for you…

  1. If you like your toys dirty, this could work well. Bad Ass Teddy Bears look cute but talk dirty. You can check them out at For more selection including insulting parrots, Squirt the mini humping bulldong, and Spanky the humping monkey, check out
  2. For those that prefer their laughs a bit cleaner, here's something fun. Talking Toy Presidents have hit the net! For $29.99 you can have a GI Joe type replica of George Dublya Bush complete with an assortment of sayings. To boot, they're not limited to Presidents. They also have Jesus, Moses and the Pope! Check them out at .
  3. Gag gifts galore can be found at Everything from Stupid Toys to Vintage Stupidity. They only ship in the States but they have some cool stuff!
  4. For Gifts that don’t' suck, check out . They have tons of neat gifts from T-Shirts to Calendars.
  5. This is by far my favourite so far and a perfect gift for D (I'm thinking this is going to be the gift for him this year). You can now own an acre of land on the moon! At you can buy acres of moon property complete with certificates of authenticity! Very cool.
  6. If you prefer stars to the moon, you can name a star too! Not as cheap but still very cool. You can check out all the pricing and packages and find links to international pages via
  7. Sylvia at some point mentioned a place with $1 makeup! You could design your own gift basket for a girlfriend or sister! Check them out at
  8. If you like things a little more serious, perhaps a reproduction of the Rosetta stone or of Aphrodite of Melos, is the place for you.
  9. For the artists in the family, the place to check out is the Louvre online shop. They ship internationally and all prices are in Euros. A little pricey for me but they have some cool stuff. Check them out at Musées de France. For closer to home, the MoMA also has an online store. They can be found at
  10. For the sci-fi/fantasy fan, the best site on the net is certainly Master Replicas. These guys have Disney stuff, Star Wars, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. Their items are amazing – most of it not exactly cheap but there are some reasonably priced items. Check them out at
Those are all I have for now but I'll be searching for more as the holidays approach. If you have a site that you like to shop from or have had a good or bad experience with, let me know in the comments and I'll include it in the next list.


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