So this morning I chose to forgo vanity for warmth. I wore a bright red, my one and only, toque and I arrived at work headache free! It was soooooooo nice to get here and actually feel comfortable. I felt kinda ditsy in my head gear but I just don't care, I was way too comfy to care.

I've taken next Friday off! D and I are heading down to the states for a day of shopping. I'm hoping that between now and next week I can convince him that we should stay the night and come back Saturday night. That way, we could go down to Seattle and I'd finally have the opportunity to see the Star Trek museum (among other things). We'll see. As it stands now, we're going to Bellingham for a fun filled day of shopping. I'm REALLY excited!!!!!!

I've started looking at options for school in January. A few more sociology classes, a stats class and a math/science credit and I'll be ready for the transfer. I'm thinking that by January 08 I'll be nearing the completion of the longest bachelors in history. On other future planning related fronts, I'm thinking of starting a job search. I'm tired of this office and the uncertainty of not having full time work. It bothers me that I've been here almost 3 years, they've been telling me for the last 2 that they wanted to hire me and yet, I'm still temping. I wouldn't care too much except that as a temp, I'm not getting any of the added benefits like days off and vacations. I'm going to bring it up with the Dragon Lady at some point this month (if I can muster up the guts) and depending on her answer, I may be looking for somthing new for as soon as the new year. We'll see how things go.

I hope everyone has a good hump day! :)


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

*teehee* Toques are awesome! Stay warm (and dry!)
Good luck with the Dragon Lady :)

November 02, 2006 10:37 a.m.

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