I gotta tell you I'm not thrilled about the fact that it's only Monday. It was a CRAZY weekend and this morning I really, really, REALLY just wanted to stay in bed. Alas, I got up and came to work and I'm actually feeling a bit better now though I still wish it was later in the week. The last few days have been insane around the office with Christmas decorating on Friday, new computer on Thursday (YEY! SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better!) and a weekend chalk full of stuff. Hopefully tonight will be a little more relaxing and the rest of the week will quiet down a little.

Almost time to go for the day and I still have a stack of work to get through but just thought I'd pop in for a quick note.


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Anonymous said...

I wanted to stay in bed, too. I can't wait until the days get longer ago and we can have more sunlight!

December 04, 2006 9:44 p.m.

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