It was insanely busy yesterday and it didn't stop when I got home. Instead, I ended up doing last minute prep for the Bookcrossing Christmas party. It was a great success and sure to turn into an annual event. It was very exciting.

Only 2 weeks left until the Christmas holidays. I'm very excited to be getting a week off. I can catch up on reading and a number of movies I have sitting on my DVD player. I've got to tell you... I had to stop playing with my Nintendo. I bought a new game, Final Fantasy III, and OMG. For two weeks after I bought it, it was all I did. Every spare moment was dedicated to the game. And then last week I realized I hadn't picked up a book in 2 weeks. I've taken the cartridge out and left the game at home. Have to get on with some reading! But wow. Talk about addicting!

Back to work now. I have a stack of drawings that need to be organized!


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