The tides are a changin'! The movie group get together yesterday was very successful with a few new members coming out and, for the first time, the men outnumbered the women. Not a huge deal but definitely something that's not a common occurrence. To boot, they were a lively bunch and the discussion before the show was excellent. It's nice to meet new people who have so much to say. Occasionally we get a quiet group and it's a bit of work to get conversation happening but not last night and it was SOOOO nice. A great turn out indeed.

Tonight, I'm having the pleasure of meeting Steph's man. They've been dating for a few weeks and I have to tell you, she seems so much happier. It's not that women need a man to be happy, far from it, but she's been looking for a relationship for a while and she's starting to look for that special someone to settle down and have a family with and her ill luck was starting to rub her the wrong way so this relationship is welcomed. I'm excited to meet the man that's making her so happy!

That's about it for now I guess. Just a note to readers out there that my other site, MAD About Movies, is running a contest for a free copy of My Super Ex-Girlfriend starring the very beautiful Uma Thurman. Make sure to check out the contest link on the left hand side of the page!

Happy Hump Day Everyone!


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