Wow. I'm not sure what we did to deserve this mess but it's been an insane couple of months - weather wise at least. Over night, starting at 6PM but really kicking into high gear sometime near 2AM we got hit by a major storm, one that local media was referring to as a "mini typhoon" and for good reason too. Sustained winds of 80km/h hit the lower mainland causing lights out for thousands - including transit. Poor D was heading downtown this morning to pick something up at the college and so I was riding with him. We made it half way there (to nearly Broadway for local readers) before D gave up. He left me at Nanaimo and headed back. Surprisingly, transit wasn't too bad but for good reason. Power was out on the line in New West and Surrey and trains were only running from Waterfront to 22nd (where I usually get on). Strangely enough, both D and I made it to work on-time. Damage at the house included a portion of the fence being down so I moved it off the road before we left. Other than that everything seemed to be OK. It still looks really windy out there but it's clear skies. Looks like some of the bridges are still closed but I can't be sure. This stupid radio station doesn't give a lot of traffic updates.

As for me, the weekend is shaping up to be a quiet one. Lots of movies to watch, readings to complete and food to eat. Dad's birthday is Sunday so we're having a little family dinner. It'll be really nice. Other than that, pretty uneventful.

And now for the goodies. This weeks KFF (sorry Steve, you may want to skip the rest of this):

This is from way back in the day (as you can tell). Check out the shoes. Those, for those of you who may not know) are Fluevogs people!! At one point, made right here in Vancouver but now designed here and made in Poland. Just a little tidbit of useless information. How do I know this? Because I had the same pair and you can't mistake those anywhere. I now have a pair of their new ones but they've changed the design slightly. If you're looking for a well made, funky shoe, you can check out Fluevog's online store.


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