Ok. So you guys deserve an explanation on the previous post. On Friday, I received an email from Fox Searchlight (the independent film branch of FOX) and they wanted to know if I was in one of three cities and if I was interested in participating in marketing (ie movie passes) for an upcoming release. I can't begin to tell you how amazing this is. It's not only a movie I'm excited to see but, more importantly, I've made it on a mailing list! Seriously one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me. So today, I'll be receiving a FedEx (OMG!) containing a bunch of promo stuff for the movie along with a bunch of passes to a free screening in early January and the movie, get ready for it, the new Cate Blanchett/Judy Dench movie Notes on a Scandal! So, if you're in the lower mainland, keep your eyes peeled at MAD About Movies because later this week we'll be giving away passes to the screening!

This is by far the most exciting thing that happened to me this weekend. Other than that, lots of rest and prepping for the holidays. I had coffee with the boss lady yesterday and she talked to me about signing me on as a full fledged employee in the new year. Now, don't get too excited. She mentioned the same thing to me last Christmas and I'm still here but through the agency. The only difference this time is that they finally have financing and this has much more potential this year that it did last year. To boot, I've decided to follow up with the progress in the new year to make sure she's called someone. I've told her that I'd love to stay but something needs to change because I can't keep working for the pennies the agency is paying me so now she knows that if she doesn't hire me, I'll start looking for work elsewhere. We'll see how things go. I'll keep you all posted.

That's all for now I guess. BTW, I sent out a few cards to a few folks out there in Blog land (you all know who you are!). Did they arrive yet?


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

There may be hope! I hope you get the extra $$$ you deserve!

December 19, 2006 9:57 a.m.

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