Well, I'm not sure what's going on but it's raining cool stuff. Yesterday I got an email from someone at iFilm who's also interested in providing 'content and contest' stuff for the site. This is soooo cool!

I've posted the contest information for Notes on a Scandal so check out the site for details if you're in the Vancouver area (and that's Vancouver, BC not Vancouver, Washington).

Other than that, it's been a pretty uneventful few day so far. I discovered that one of my loan payments was taken out twice yesterday which has put me in the black for two weeks unless, by some miracle, some money magically appears. To boot, I just realized I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm not sure I can even afford to pay for it. Ugh. This is really frustrating. Back to the grind now.

I have been tagged in the 6 weird things" game by Wiccachiky. I am supposed to post six weird things about myself before tagging six others.

There seem to be only two rules:

1) You can be retagged

2) The only way not to be retagged is to add an additional rule.

3) themarina cannot be retagged. ;) (once was hard enough!)

Weird Thing #1: I have trouble sleeping in a room that's too warm. I'd rather fall asleep in a cold room with a blanket.

Weird Thing #2: I'm a really social person but sometimes, I like doing stuff (like watching movies) on my own. It's like I need a re-charge before going back to normal.

Weird Thing #3: As with Wiccachiky, I have a bit of an obsession with Keanu Reeves. It's not dangerous or illegal or anything, I just find him extremely attractive and he's very intelligent - very nice combination.

Weird Thing #4: I haven't completely grown out of my highschool 'goth' phase.

Weird Thing #5: I sometimes find myself checking out women. I don't want to sleep with them or anything but I do love the female form.

Weird Thing #6: I hate taking a bath. Showers are good but baths I really dislike. Not sure why, just do!

I tag: anyone who wants to play along. Not sure who hasn't been tagged!!!


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

You mean you don't want to soak in your own filth for a couple of hours?? Just kidding *L* sort of. I'm not a huge fan of baths either. I might take one out of necessity.

December 20, 2006 1:58 p.m.

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