A New Year

I had planned to update this thing over the holidays but it just never happened. Between being sick over Christmas and trying to catch up on movies that I had sitting around the house, I managed to get very little of anything else done including a disastrous New Years eve that consisted of D waking me up at midnight so I could ring in the New Year with him. What a lovely man. He was so sweet and understanding at my being to sick to do anything other than sleep. I'm feeling a little better today (no choice considering I had to come into work) but other than that, it was a fantastic holiday full of food, drink, family and fun. Santa was much too good to me this year again and I can't help but feel spoiled by all the goodies that I'm not sure I really deserved.

As per last year, I didn't make any resolutions but thinking on it a bit longer yesterday, I've decided to put more effort into school, the movie site and friends. That's the extent of my resolution.

I can barely talk - every time I do I break into coughing fits and it was REALLY painful watching Little Miss Sunshine Saturday night. Every laugh = more coughing. Other than that, I'm back into the regular swing of things. And tonight is the night for the much anticipated Notes on a Scandal preview screening. I know some of the winners but others are total newcomers and I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and maybe finding out how they discovered the site. WOOHOO! I know. I know. I should be going home to rest but I HAVE to be there (especially considering that I have everyone's tickets!)!

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and all the best for 2007!


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Anonymous said...

Get well soon and see you tonight!! Happy new year!

January 02, 2007 2:02 p.m.

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