Another day gone by. Another day closer to the weekend.

I'm going crazy trying to understand the intricacies of god being timeless or in time. The basic principles make sense but the who said what part of what argument is starting to hurt my little brain. More studying definately required.

I've been fighting with my home pc the last few days, trying to find some free and legal way to convert avi files (from a camcorder) to one of the dvd compatible formats so that the bloody thing will play on a DVD player. Someone passed on some footage of our home town to me on a disk but my parents want to see it on the big screen. If anyone has any program tips or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. And yes, I've tried the software that comes bundled win WinXP and it sucks. Big time. Compresses everything all weird and I'm just not sure how to fix it. Maybe the simples suggestion is if someone has tips on how to fix that; whatever. Any help is appreciated.

I didn't manage to catch any of the State of the Union Address, I was too busy discussing the attributes of god and all, however, I did find some more excellent Bushisms. Before I go to the next one, I also found this State of the Union Address drinking game. I know it's a bit late, and no, it's not the only one but it's damned funny.

Oh crumb! One more thing before the Bushism. As a midweek treat, here's a short clip starring the one and only, Bruce Campbell. Check it out:

And now, here's the Bushism:
"Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die."

-- George W. Bush with reporters on facing the challenges of war, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2006


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