Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday folks. I was busy compiling an hour's worth of 'fanish' commercials. Wow. Not as easy as it sounds considering they're all an average of 30 seconds long which means, I need a lot of them.

It's been an uneventful few days and the weekend is going to be just as quiet. I'm really looking forward to Sunday when a few friends are coming over to work on a very special and ultra top secret (not really) project that I'm REALLY looking forward to. Can't wait! Other than that, a few rentals to get through, a couple of papers for Philosophy and some more Chaucer to read through.

I've sent out my Oscar party invites. I'm very, very excited. This year, I'm moving the party to one of the bigger rooms in the house and we're going to be watching it on a bigger than usual screen. D and I are breaking out the projector. Oh yeah baby. It's going to be AWESOME. We just need to figure out how we're going to pump the sound out....

I gotta get back to work. I have a bunch of stuff on my desk that I need to get through before the end of the day.

Here's a little something I discovered during my YouTube cruizin' last few days. It's today's KFF:

And to finish off, a stupid thing someone said...
Care to Rephrase that Department

Female TV news anchor to male weatherman, regarding snowfall amounts:

Where's that six inches you promised me last night?

on a Nebraska news show

Have a great weekend everyone!


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