Sorry for the lack of posting boys and girls but things have been a bit crazy lately. The lack of posts yesterday and for most of the day today have to do with me spending much needed time completing some minor adjustments to the movie site. I think I finally have things more or less as I want them. Nothing huge, just a few touches here and there. The next step: updating the header bar!

In other news, we recorded our first ever podcast on Sunday and as I'm typing this, the final edited version is being compiled in the background. I hope to have this up before 5PM today so make sure you keep your eye out for it! :)

Alright. I still have lots of stuff to do so I'm going to jet out. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I'll be back with more tomorrow!

Today's stupid thing:

On Really Caring, Great Senate Majority Leader Moments In

Get some devastation in the back.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tennessee), to an aide during a photo op, while visiting tsunami-ravager Sri Lanka


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