It was a good and quiet weekend. I got lots of reading done (thought I'm not finished yet!) and a lot of resting which was nice.

I've been having problems with the website the last few days and though it's been up the last few days, it's been excruciatingly slow. Now it appears that the site is down completely which really isn't good but I just spoke to CS at the hosting company and they are aware of the problem and are working on fixing it. Yikes! I hope they get it sorted out soon because I'm bloody freaking out!

Other than that, it's been a quiet day. I now have a bunch of reviews to post but the site is dead in the water which is really getting to me (did I already say that???). Can't wait to get home and finish my reading. Hopefully it won't mean me staying up until ungodly hours.

As I mentioned Friday, this calendar is really not very funny at all. I think I would have been better off with the Bushisms calendar instead. So here's a little Bushism a friend sent me:

"And truth of the matter is, a lot of reports in Washington are never read by anybody. To show you how important this one is, I read it, and our guest read it."

George W. Bush, on the Baker-Hamilton Report, appearing with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2006


Happy Monday everyone!


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