It's a very quiet day today. The boss man is sick and the PM has gone off the site so it's just me and the accountant in the office. Actually, it's worked out quite well because I've managed to do some of the filing that I've been avoiding for months.

I'm running with a bit of a headache today. Not sure why but it started to set in about 10AM and though I tried to avoid taking drugs, I just broke down and took some Tylenol. Hopefully that'll kick in soon.

We had a great philosophical discussion about education yesterday. Not only was it eureka inducing but it solidified my belief that I'm always going to be swimming up stream. We discussed the difference between training and educating and how 'real' education requires questioning and critical thinking and those two things really play a big part in Literature studies and Philosophy. Not to say that critical thinking doesn't pop up in other places (I'm sure it does) but it's most apparent in these two areas. The funny thing is, the reason I've always leaned towards these areas of study are for precisely that reason: I love the discussion, the interpretation, the what ifs. I love taking the knowledge and using it to support an argument. That may have something to do with the fact that I love to talk so much.

All of this 'big thinking' led to another thought. This is also the reason why I love movies and why I run both a film and book group. I like the idea of reading or watching something and then discussing it. Finding little tidbits of information, hearing what others took from the same experience. And that thought led even further 'down the rabbit hole'. I started to think about why we make movies, why society cares so much for movies but ultimately, what we take from them. Is it simply for pleasure or are we looking for something more? Well, that sparked more thoughts (isn't it funny how all of this stuff happens at once? You have one thought and it sparks another etc.) and before you know it, I'd started writing some of them down. At the moment, all I have are some loose ideas and key words but over time, I hope to expand them a little into, hopefully, a series of articles on movies and their social effects (if there are any). Still a lot to think about and probably boring as heck for you guys (sorry) but I wanted to throw it out there and see if people had any more thoughts on this. If you do, let me know!

I'm going to skip the stupid things said bit today because the entry I have is sooooo lame. I may need to change this feature all together. Maybe best quotes or word of the day or something. We'll see. However, without further delay, here's this week's KFF. This one is a bit interesting. I found it on a website dedicated to photographs of famous people playing table tennis. Yeah.....there's some interesting people out there!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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