First English class yesterday and it was great. I love the material and the prof seems really good as does the class. It's a small one, only 10 of us, but so far it's made for great discussion and it's proving to be one of my faves. Lots to read for next class but then, I have the weekend to catch up!

More snow today. It was still snowing when I left the house this morning. Gross. I don't mind snow but this is getting out of hand. Just when you think it's over more snow falls. The big problem is that it's snow on top of snow and when it gets really cold, it freezes. Thankfully, we haven't had too much of that yet but it's still difficult to walk through various layers of packed snow. On the bight side, it's been a bit warmer the last few days.

Other than that, it's been pretty uneventful.

On Slogans That Don't Quite Make It

Be half as fresh as the day is long

slogan on tampons, Japan


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