Getting to class last night proved to be a great problem. There was a problem with transit and a commute which usually takes me 45 minutes took nearly 2 hours. Needless to say, I arrived 30 mins late to class and, of course, this had to happen on the day when I have the class that I can least afford to miss. I need to see about borrowing someone's notes.

The day has been fairly quiet so I've managed to get a lot of odds and ends done. I'm about to post movies for the movie group next week. Turns out there are a number of excellent documentaries on short run at the end of the month, a few of which are even short listed for the Oscars and none of which I have seen. I'm particularly looking forward to Iraq in Fragments and Our Daily Bread. Oh yeah, and I've posted my review for Pan's Labyrinth. Now that I'm pretty much caught up on 2006, I'll be posting a top ten list. That'll be coming in the next few days.

I've also been reading a book which has me really involved. It's called Poison Study and I'm sitting here wondering what the heck is going to happen next. I can't wait to get back to it on the ride to school.

I didn't like today's stupid thing so I've jumped ahead and am posting Sunday's instead. It's a little dumber.

On See, Mrion, It's Kinda Their Job...

What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?

Washington, D.C., mayor Marion Barry

Alrighty. Sounds like someone may need a lesson on the duties of each body of government...Does he, by any chance, know what a Mayor is supposed to do?

Happy Hump Day!


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

What happened last night?? Nice morning we're having here...It took me almost 2 hours to drive to work!

January 18, 2007 9:41 a.m.

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