This morning really sucked. I stood out in the freezing cold waiting for an earlier bus to make sure that I made it to work on time since, you know, we got hit by ANOTHER snow fall. Stupid early bus never showed up and so I figured I'd be OK for my bus but, lo-and-behold, it was late too and when it finally showed up, they both showed up. I got to work 15 minutes late but boss lady was OK with it because she knows I always make the effort to try to get here. It's nice that she's pretty understanding about stuff like that.

I just registered for Northern Voice which is the Canadian Blogging Conference. I'm excited to meet some fellow bloggers and to get some tips and learn some more about blogging in general and, hopefully, blogging for money.

As for the Golden Globes, the sidebar isn't showing it yet but I did write down some thoughts on the movie portion of the awards show. It can be found here. As for the TV side of things, I was happy to see Ugly Betty recognized since it's one of the few new shows that I've gotten into and really enjoyed and Amy will be happy to hear me say that I really like America Ferrara and her little speech was quite nice. In general, I enjoyed most of it and it was nice of Sacha Baron Cohen to makes us laugh. I was also quite impressed with Warren Beatty's and Streep's acceptance speeches. Good for a few laughs. Oh, and I was impressed with Streep's comment on smaller films and how they're not shown on enough screens. I'm pretty sure it probably won't make much difference but it was nice of her to mention it. Everyone looked fabulous (never once did I say "What the hell is _____ wearing!?!?!" which is a ncie change) but I was particularly impressed with Jeremy Irons' little outfit. The show made for a nice evening in front of the TV.

On Agents, Alas, All Too Typical

Talent Agent Lew Grade: Twenty five is ridiculous, I can get you forty. Who's your agent?
Actor: You are.


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the show, but I would have liked to see what all the stars were wearing!

January 17, 2007 10:08 a.m.

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