Fairly quiet day today which is nice considering I had a busy day yesterday and really need a bit of a rest. I was going to go to the movies tonight but a combination of snow fall warning and the fact that the Golden Globes are on tonight is enough to get me to go straight home.

I don't really have much else to report except that we had a great meeting yesterday and we're working on a great little surprise and step forward for the movie site. I'm really excited and can't wait to kick it off.

I'm headed back to work now. Maybe I'll even get to write my reviews today. We'll see.

This is just weird...

On I Scream for Ice Cream

Raw Horseflesh Ice Cream
Lettuce Potato Ice Cream
Shark's Fin Noodle Ice Cream
Goat Ice Cream
Deep Sea Water

ice cream flavours available at Ice Cream City, Tokyo

Happy Monday Folks!


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