TGIF is all I can say. It's been a cold and miserable week and it looks like it's not going to get any better with the snow that's forecast for tomorrow. I hope it stays put because I have a busy weekend ahead of me. It's been particularly cold the last few days. I'm actually not too bad with the cold but the Westcoast cold isn't quite the same as the cold (with windshield) in Alberta. When I was outside of Calgary in the dead of winter a few years ago, it was something like -30 outside. Yes it's cold but if you bundle up you're ok and as soon as you get inside, you start to warm up almost immediately. Out here, the cold is different. It's 'wet' and really seeps into your bones and when you come in out of it, it can take hours to warm up again. That's been the case the last two days. It's brutal.

As for the weekend...plans with the GF's for tomorrow (if it's safe enough to go out) and Sunday I'm taking my sorry ass to the movies for the day. With school now back, I can't go out evenings during the week and so, weekends like this one, when more than one movie I want to see is playing, I have to resort to spending an entire day at the movies. Not to worry though, they're all good flicks and so you'll be seeing a review for "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" early next week.

Looks like the Blogger picture uploading feature is working again so here's this week's KFF - the first of 2007:

This one is from Parenthood, one of Keanu's first movies. Can you tell?? :)

And today's dumbest thing is, appropriately, movie related. If you've ever seen a foreign film with really bad subtitles, you'll totally laugh at this. I've seen my share of these but nothing quite like this one...

On Threats, Kung-Fu

Yah-Yah, evil spider woman! I have captured you by the short rabbits and can now deliver you violently to your gynecologist for a thorough examination.

English subtitle for a Hong Kong kung-fu film

Yup. One of the worse I've ever seen.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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