It's been a busy (and interesting) day. To boot, my fingers are freezing at the moment, I think the boiler may be down. Again. They should really either fix or replace that bloody thing. It's down more often than it runs!

Snowed like crazy yesterday and I had a good few inches at the house last night. My dad had to pick me up at the skytrain station as the bus look where I catch my bus was closed and D was stuck out in Langley until almost 8PM. It was a total nightmare. This morning it was better but bitterly cold which just caused everything to freeze. Not good. I did take some pictures of the snow but, alas, I left them on my PC at home so I'll have to post them for you all tomorrow.

In the mean time, here's thoday's stupid thing. It's the first one that's actually made me laugh.

On Judges, A Little Too Persevering

I know you don't I?
Defendant: Uh, yes.
Judge: All right, how do I know you?
Defendant: Judge, do I have to tell you?
Judge: Of course. You might be obstructing justice not to tell me.
Defendant: Okay. I was your bookie.

recorded in court testimony


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