I've been a bad blogger. Things have been busy these first few days of 2007 and I've been running around like a mad woman. It appears that it's slowing back down to regular pace around here though so I should be back to normal for next week.

Lots has happened the last few days. I am now an official full time employee as of Jan. 1st. Signed all the paperwork yesterday and, after almost 8 years of various temp jobs, I'm finally full time staff with the full package. It's nice that I've already been here for so long so it's was just a matter of filling in some paper work. I figure this will be good for the next few years as I continue to trod along on my degree with the final intention, to either do a library sciences master or a teaching degree (with film/cultural studies) as a main focus. I figure I like movies so much, I may as well do something worthwhile with it. Of course, this is the plan now but who knows? Maybe the review site will take off and I can do that full time. That would be sweet (to use a term that's totally 90's).

I'm a bit miffed at the weather man. Last night, I checked the 11PM news to get heads up on the weather for this morning. The verdict was for flurries over night and then showers in the morning with the snow gone by the morning commute. Imagine my surprise when I looked out the back window this morning to find this. Sorry guys, I tried to upload the pictures but Blogger isn't cooperating.

Thanks to my inability to upload pictures at the moment, this also means that I can't post today's KFF. Bugger. Instead, I'm going to entertain you with another segment that will become a regular for the year. I purchased The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said page-a-day calendar for 2007 and so, every day, you too will get to revel in the greatness that stupidity can provide.

Ode on the Mammoth Cheese Weighing Over 7,000 pounds

We have seen thee, queen of cheese,
Lying quietly at your ease,
Gently fanned by evening breeze,
Thy Fair form no flies dare seize.

poet James McIntyre, from the book Very Bad Poetry

Have a great weekend everyone!


Post a Comment 2 comments:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the full-time gig!!!! I am still waiting for the snow to turn to showers. Boooooo.

January 05, 2007 10:04 a.m.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!!!


January 05, 2007 2:06 p.m.

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