No song right now. The site I use to post my music is currently down for maintenance. :(

I think things are nearly back to normal. I've cleared a wack of paperwork from my desk, the weather is looking pretty decent, I managed to finish my paper for tonight's class and most importantly, I felt refreshed when I got out of bed this morning.

I was going to pass on tonight's class but the prof opted not to give us an email address so, unfortunately, I'm going to have to show my face, even if only to hand in my paper. I'm not looking forward to today's discussion on Psychology for 2 reasons: 1) I'm not a big fan of psychology and 2) I've had the prof who is doing the presentation and he's a nice guy and all but his lectures usually consist of regurgitating the textbook word for word. I may get a little queasy in class...

Weekend is shaping up to be a good one. Lots to do on Saturday but Sunday is going to be nice and quiet with D and I spending our day together in lieu of me having class last night.

Well I hope everyone is having a good week and here's today's stupid thing:


Tech-Support Staffer: Type http://...
Caller: It didn't work.
Tech Support: Ok, read me the address you typed.
Tech Support: No, no. Colon. On the keyboard.
Caller: What?
Tech Support: Do you know what a colon is?
Caller: Of course I do. I'm a doctor.


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

The stupid thing was hilarious! BWAHAHAA

I didn't really like psychology either, but I took quite a few classes of it. Biopsych was the worst!

February 16, 2007 8:45 a.m.

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