Blame it on the rain

Oh, yes I do. My moronic, yet darn entertaining, trip to the Park Theater on Sunday morning in the pounding rain didn't do me well and by the time I got home last night, I was in full cold/flu mode. The nightmarish illness that had me on my back a few weeks ago appears to be back, in a much more manageable and low key way but none the less, I'm feeling awful today.

I'm heading home at lunch and leaving the 4 people that RSVP'd to the movie tonight on their own. Hopefully a few will still go out and enjoy the film. In the meantime, I'm going to go home to get some more sleep and at some point before 10PM tonight, I have to complete the editing on my English paper so that I can send it off to the prof.

I should have known better than to head out in that weather but I really wanted to see the film. Thankfully it was good. Not enough to warrant illness but that's life.


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